City North Little Athletics (Brisbane)

Sat 16 Aug : Re-Registration Day


The City North Little Athletics season for 2014/15 is starting soon. We are holding our re-enrolment day this Saturday 16th of August 2014 for our existing athletes.

This re-enrolment day has been set aside for all existing athletes to speed up our enrolment process, and will be held at our Club House (Windsor Park, Albion) from 2:30pm to 4pm.


If you cannot make this day, you can still re-enrol when our competition re-commences during our 2 Come and Try Competition days on the following 2 weekends. These competition days start at 1:45pm on Saturdays so that we can start the competition at 2pm sharp.  We will be processing all enrolments from 1:15pm on these days.


We are in the final stages of getting a new enrolment process operational via our web site prior to the start of this season.  We are expecting to email each family again with details of how to log in, with the ability to re-enrol and to change any details using this function in the next few days. We will be sending another email about this process to your primary email address, with further details soon.


Unfortunately although you will be able to change your details online, we have been unable to organise for you to pay online as yet.  After changing these details you can print out your changed / confirmed registration details but you will still need to come to the club house to pay for your registration.  We accept payments via Cash and EFTPOS. We also will accept payments via VISA and Mastercard credit cards only.

Our fees for our season (Late August 2014 to mid March 2015) have been left at the same amounts as last year and are shown below. 


1st and 2nd Child                                                                          $160

3rd Child & Subsequent Children (over 6)                                   $145

Under 6's – 1st & 2nd Child                                                           $145

Under 6's – 3rd & subsequent children                                        $115

Parent levy (Committee Exempt) - $60 per Family unless you qualify for a refund for last year


Polo Shirts                                                                                            $40

Girls Bike Pants                                                                                   $30

Boys Shorts                                                                                          $30

Caps / Hats                                                                                          $15

We will still be running training on Tuesday and Thursday nights with coaches in attendance, starting on Tuesday 26th of August 2014.

We all look forward to see you all back for another exciting year of fun and friendly competition, with our competition starting again on Saturday 23rd of August at 1:45pm.




David Nyssen

City North Little Athletics

Assistant Centre Manager

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Sat 15 Mar 2014 - End of Year Party

City North Little Athletics

This Saturday 15 March is our final Saturday at Windsor Park.   Our training will conclude tomorrow night – Thurs 13 March.  The state champs for those qualified will be 21 – 23 March in Cairns.

Saturday 15 March

AGM – 2pm

This Saturday we will commence with our AGM at 2pm.  All parents can attend.  The main task is election of our new committee.  We do need some new committee members and it is not difficult to become involved.  New parents can start in an assisting role and learn about the club and Little Athletics.
If you are interested please attend from 2pm this Saturday.  The agenda can be found here.

3pm – 4pm  - Cross country races and Parents v Athletes 100m races

At 3pm we will start holding our cross country races around Windsor Park being distances of 300m, 500m, 1km and 1.5km depending on age group.   We will also hold some 100m races with parents racing their children.

4pm – 5:30pm – Trophy, Certificate and Award presentations

We will then have our presentation of certificates and trophies.  The results of the Club championship will be announced and certificates and medals to top 3 given out.   Further information is on the flyer which can be found here.

We will have a small party at the conclusion of trophy presentation and we would ask the u6 to u8 families to bring a dessert, u9 to u11 families to bring a salad or main and u12 to u17 families to bring drinks.

State Champs – 21 to 23 March – Cairns

Information about the state champs has already been distributed.  The final team list can be found here.  Do not be concerned if you are on the list if not attending.  Respond immediately if you believe you should be on the list.

The program for the event is on the QLAA website –   It will be responsibility for athlete and parents in Cairns to get to the event on time (be aware that events can be brought forward), ensure that full uniform is worn with all patches and spike and “skin” rules followed.  We will not have any team manager or coaches in Cairns.

Good luck to our athletes in Cairns.

Thady Blundell
City North Little Athletics

Thank you Brisbane City Council

Thank you Brisbane City Council for our recent grant

On 15 March 2013 the Office of the Lord Mayor supported our not-for-profit organisation, City North Little Athletics, with a community and sports clubs grant of $704.50.
During this round council awarded a total of $1,451,698.35 to organisations like ours.
Our club used these funds to assist our volunteers in the following ways.
1. The purchase of a new notebook for our treasurer.
2. The purchase of equipment to assist with data entry of personal bests and other results. This included the purchase of the equipment and its installation.  The following items were purchased with the assistance of these funds.
            a). The purchase of a trolley to move the equipment around,
            b). The purchase of a wireless / network switch and related items,
            c). The purchase of a 12V to 240V Inverter, Heavy Duty battery and a Battery charger, and
            d). The purchase of a network license for our Team Manager software.
By receiving this grant our club has been able to allocate the grant money along with its own funds to get this project completed. We now have the ability to have up to 3 computer systems functional on the field and this provides a more timely way for our volunteers to enter data, saving them having to enter some of it after the event has finished. Anything that saves our volunteers time is always appreciated.  
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Lord Mayor and Brisbane City Council for providing the grant and for assisting us in this endeavour.
David Nyssen
City North Assistant Centre Manager

Sat 8 Mar 2014 : Club Champs

City North – Club Champs – Day 2 – Saturday 8 March

The program for this Saturday’s second day of the club champs can be found here.   Start time is 3pm.  Those who could not attend last Saturday can certainly attend this Saturday.  Results will be announced at the Trophy Day on Saturday 15 March.

Training continues this week and next week on Tues and Thurs.  Our last training session will be Thurs 13 March.

Saturday 15 March – AGM, short program and Trophy Day
Saturday 15 March will be our last Saturday of the season with AGM and trophy day and short program including cross country races.  

Annual General Meeting

We will have the Annual General Meeting starting at 2pm on Saturday 15 March.  All parents are encouraged to attend, particularly any parents who would like to join the committee which is a great way to become involved in the club.  We are looking for several positions to be filled.  Please attend from 2pm  Saturday 15 March at the clubhouse and if you have any questions about being on the committee please email me.
Program - 3pm
We will have a short program including cross country race from about 3pm.  All athletes should try to participate. More details will be circulated soon.
Trophy Day - about 4:00pm onwards
We will then have our trophy day just outside the clubhouse (hopefully the construction works will be completed) from 4:00pm.  All athletes will receive a certificate of their best performances over the year and the results of the club championship announced and certificates given. Athletes also receive their badge to place on the shield (new athletes will receive a shield) evidencing their participation.  Our major trophies will also be announced including trophies to those who have qualified for state champs. 
We will have a small party as well after the awards are given and u6 to u8 families please bring a dessert, u9 to u11 families a salad and u12 to u17 families drinks.  These can be dropped at the canteen on arrival.

Thady Blundell
City North Little Athletics


1 Mar 2014 - Club Championships

Club Championships

This coming Saturday 1 March and the following Saturday 8 March is our Club Championship event.   Programs for Week 1 of the Championship can be found here and Week 2 found here.  Points are awarded based on place in each event with bonus points for PBs. 

All athletes are encouraged to attend and we will start as close to 3pm as possible.

Certificates and medals for the top 3 will be awarded at the Trophy day on 15 March which will be our last Saturday for this season.

 We will have training this coming Saturday from 2pm in HJ and LJ and we are continuing our Tues and Thurs night training from 6pm to 7:15pm.

Thady Blundell
City North Little Athletics