City North Little Athletics (Brisbane)

Sat 15 Feb

Saturday 15 Feb – 3pm

The program for this Saturday’s competition can be found here.  Start time 3pm.   There is possible rain forecast for Saturday afternoon and if in doubt text 0418 621 654 or check our website.

Regional Championships

Congratulations to all of our athletes who competed this past weekend.  Our club had a very successful meet with many PBs set and a large number of athletes qualifying for the state championships.  Official results will be available and distributed soon.  We will need to know whether qualifying athletes will be going to Cairns for the state championships.  Many thanks to the parents who helped with the long jump and other events and with place judging.


Our training is continuing each Tues and Thurs nights from 6pm to 7:15 pm.  We will also train in High Jump and Long Jump this Saturday from 2pm.

Clubhouse Renovations

The clubhouse/canteen is being renovated but there is still access via the uniform room.   We will have full canteen service this Saturday.

Long Jump/ Triple Jump Officials Training

We will be holding a training course for parents on long jump/triple jump officiating on Saturday 22 Feb from 2:15pm to 3pm.  If you would like to learn more about long jump, and help the club, attend from 2:15 pm on Saturday 22 February.  Your children can attend and train in long jump.  If you would like to attend please see Catherine Malone at Windsor Park this coming Saturday.

We have had some new sand deposited in the long jump pits.  It would be appreciated if any parents attending training tonight could bring a shovel to help spread it around the pits.   There is sand in each pit so just needs to be spread within the pits.

Thady Blundell
Centre Manager
City North Little Athletics