City North Little Athletics (Brisbane)

Sat 7 Sep 13 - Come & Try

Training – Tuesday and Thursday 6pm – 7:15pm

Our training kicked off last night with a good number of athletes and coaches in attendance.   This will continue now each and every Tues and Thurs from 6pm weather permitting of course.   All athletes are encouraged to attend with the next training session tomorrow night, Thursday at 6pm.

Saturday 14 September 2013  - Week 2 - 2pm start

The program for this Saturday can be found here.  We had a large number of triallists and returning athletes last Saturday and the program went smoothly.  The full 5 event program will start on Saturday 14 September but all returning athletes should come this Saturday if available.  Help from experienced parents is very much appreciated and help with set-up of equipment from 1pm is needed.


Renewal of registrations can take place on Saturdays or Tuesday nights.  Depending on committee members in attendance registrations may be able to be taken on Thursday nights. 

If you wish to be removed from this email list because you are not returning to the club please respond to this email.

Thady Blundell
City North Little Athletics

Come and Try extended

Hi Everyone,

Due to the lower than normal turn out last Saturday 7th September, we have decided to extend our Come and Try day to include this weekend.  We had many people absent due to the Federal Election and the Wilston State School Fete.

The $10 free will be taken off your registration fee, should you decide to join us for the season.

Please click here for the flyer for this day.


David Nyssen

Assistant Centre Manager

Sat 31 Aug - Competition starts

Saturday 31 August – 2pm – Windsor Park

Our first Saturday competition is this Saturday 31 August.   Program can be found here and starts at 2pm – we will start the first 2 weeks with 4 events and then move to 5 events on 14 September.   We will also be having new athletes trial this Saturday but all returning athletes should participate and parent help with age marshalling on the come & try day is greatly appreciated and needed.

Registrations can be taken in the clubhouse – before or after the competition.   If you wish to register before the competition try to arrive at about 1:30pm. 

If you are not returning to the club this season please let me know and I will remove you from the email list.

Training – Tues and Thurs Nights

Training will start next Tuesday 3 September at 6pm.  2 of the light poles on the eastern side of the oval are being repaired  so we will likely undertake warm-up and splitting into groups on the western side.  All of our coaches are returning this season and we have some new coaches as well.

Thady Blundell
City North Little Athletics

Sat 24-Aug-13 - Sign On

Sign–On    -   This Saturday 24 August 2013 – 2:30 to 4:30pm

Just a reminder that Sign On for returning athletes (and new athletes who definitely wish to register) is this Saturday 24 August from 2:30pm to 4:30pm at Windsor Park.  This is not a competition day but an opportunity for athletes to register and pick up uniforms if needed.

The prices for the new season are on our come and try flyer.  There has been a small increase of $5 per athlete from last season.  The uniform prices have remained the same.  Please pass on the flyer to any interested families.

If you are not able to attend this Saturday you could register at one of the Come & Try days on 31 August and 7 September.  The 2 Come & Try days are for returning athletes as well so all athletes should attend.  Training will commence Tuesday 3 September at 6pm.

Season Calendar

The season calendar of major events can be here.   A new event this year is a competition against the Aspley club which will be held at Windsor Park on 30 November.   The Aspley club has been a very successful club over the years and this will be a good test for our athletes and a good opportunity to meet athletes from another club.

Thady Blundell
City North Little Athletics