City North Little Athletics (Brisbane)

Week of 17 Sep 12

City North Little Athletics
School Holidays
The school holidays are shortly to commence and there have been a number of enquiries as to whether we shut down.  Our club does not shut down over the holidays.  We will still have the Saturday competitions and Tuesday and Thursday night training as normal.  If athletes are available they can attend and if away there is no need to advise that you will not be attending as we understand that many families will be away.
Wet Weather
We have not had to be concerned about it thus far this season but there is a prediction of some wet weather this week. Our policy for training is that as long as it is not raining significantly or steadily on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm we will proceed with training.  On Saturdays a similar policy applies and we are usually reluctant to cancel a Saturday competition.  Any rain outside our normal training and competition hours is unlikely to cause any problem on the ground as it is of course very dry and it would take a great deal of rain to cause any problems.
If in doubt check the website or ring 0418 621 654.
Training This Week
We have a full complement of coaches this week and will be training in most events during the course of the week broken up into age groups.  Tuesday night we will have sprints, hurdles, triple jump, mid distance and long jump and on Thursday more of a focus on the field events.  Usual time from 6pm to 7:15 pm with the u6s and u7s finishing at about 7pm
Thady Blundell
City North Little Athletics