City North Little Athletics (Brisbane)

Sat 8th Sept - Week 3

City North Little Athletics - Saturday 8 September
This Saturday's program can be found here.  We have tried to break up most age groups into boys and girls groups to speed up the program.  As a result though we will need more age marshall so we ask that all parents in attendance this Saturday help out as a age marshall (if you haven't done the job before you can be an assistant), as a place judge at the finish line or at one of the events.
We want to start the program as close as possible to 2pm so try to arrive well prior to 2pm and if any parents can assist with setting up equipment from 1:30pm or earlier that would be greatly appreciated.
New athletes can still register at the clubhouse this Saturday or at the training sessions on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6pm.  New athletes can also still trial on a Saturday or at the training sessions.
Training - Tonight - 6pm
We will be training in a number of events tonight including High Jump scissors, sprints, middle distance, shot put or discus and hopefully long jump as well.  Training starts at 6pm.  The canteen will be open and we have free tea and coffee for parents.  We will be having timed 800m races from 7pm - this is not a required event - just for those who wish to get in a 800m race.  These will conclude by about 7:15pm. 
Thady Blundell
Centre Manager
City North Little Athletics