City North Little Athletics (Brisbane)

AGM and Trophy Day - Sat 17 Mar

The flyer for this Saturday's events can be found here.
The AGM starts at 2pm and all parents are invited to attend.  It will go for about 1 hour.  There will be coaching on from 2pm so children will be occupied.  There will be a Centre Manager's report, Treasurer report, election of the new committee and other agenda items.
We will have a short program starting at 3pm including a cross-country race of various distances depending on age as well as other events.
We will then start the trophy presentations and party at about 4:30pm.  Some food will be provided but would families with u6 to u8 children please bring desserts, those with u9 to u11 children bring salads and those with children u12 and above bring cold drinks.
We will also hold a Working Bee from 12noon on the day to finish the work around the new high jump and long jump areas.  The work will take about an hour to an hour and a half and if you can attend please do and bring a shovel - there will be some spreading of soil.

Training - Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm 

We will continue training this week on Tues and Thurs from 6pm at Windsor Park and also next week on Tues the 20th and Thurs the 22nd leading up to the State Champs.  All athletes are encouraged to attend and we will train in a number of events each night.  We will have 4 to 5 coaches in attendance each night.

State Champs

The State Championships will be held from Friday 23 March to Sunday 25 March.  The list of qualifiers with events can be found here so please note your events.
Thady Blundell
Centre Manager
City North Little Athletics
0418 621 654