City North Little Athletics (Brisbane)

Week 13 - Sat 3 Dec 11

Christmas Party  and Program - Saturday  3 December

This Saturday will be our last Saturday competition of 2011.  We will resume on Saturday 14 January 2012 and go through to 17 March when the season will conclude.  Training will continue on Tuesdays and Thursdays until Thursday 15 December and then resume on Tuesday 17 January 2012.    
This Saturday we will have a 4 event program starting at 3pm with an optional 800 at the end and then start the Christmas Party in the clubhouse at about 5pm.  The program can be found by clicking here.  A flyer for the Christmas Party can also be found by clicking here and all families are asked to bring a dessert/savoury plate or bottle of juice/soft drink for the party - pizza will be provided.
In addition the pentathlon results are being finalised for the u10s and above and will be announced at the party on Saturday.  There was a problem on Saturday with calculation of points for some events and this has now been rectified.  Thanks to all who helped at the Pentathlon - we had a reasonably good attendance of athletes with 147 athletes competing on the day.

Training - Thursday at 6pm

Training is  tonight Thursday from 6pm to 7:15pm at Windsor Park.  We will have training in a number of events including hurdles, sprints, distance, and high jump (subject to numbers).  We will continue with training for the next 2 weeks  up to Thursday 15 Dec.   There is some rain predicted this afternoon - as long as it is not raining at 6pm we will proceed with training. 
For those competing in the State Relay championships please try to attend training regularly so that relay training can take place.

Regional Championships  - 3 to 5 Feb 2012

The Regional Championships, which is an individual event competition, will be held at the Arana Club from Friday 3 Feb to Sunday 5 Feb 2012.  Athletes can nominate in up to 5 events of their choice (as long as available in their age group) and the cost is $10.  Athletes only need to attend when their events are on.  All athletes are encouraged to compete - it is not about qualifying for the state championships but trying to achieve a personal best which is what an event like this gives every athlete an opportunity to do.  There will be no competition at Windsor Park that Saturday.  The program and the nomination form can be found by clicking here.  The deadline for nominating is 21 January and given that this is very soon after the Xmas break it is best to try to nominate prior to Xmas.  This can be done at the club at any training session or on Saturday.
Some nominations forms were completed last Saturday.  If you did submit a form last Saturday please come to the sign-up desk near the track on Saturday to check that we have the form as it appears some forms may have gone astray.
Thady Blundell
Centre Manager