City North Little Athletics (Brisbane)

Parent Information - City North Little Athletics


Parents, Guardians and Friends play an integral role in the success and enjoyment of Little Athletics.

The Saturday program requires a large number of officials and parent volunteers every week to run properly and for this reason, parent involvement is essential.  If there are not enough officials to run the program properly, it is your child who suffers.  Please get involved and help officiate whenever you can.  You’ll find out that it is very fulfilling and lots of fun. 

Adults can help out in the following ways:

* Age marshalling - every week there is a need for at least three adults to accompany each age group to each event and record the children’s performances, spike, place judge, retrieve implements, measure distances, etc.  

* Controlling an event for the afternoon

* Attend Parent Officials nights - these are free and allow parents to become qualified in a particular discipline of interest.

* Sponsorship -  We need local business support. If you are interested in supporting City North Little Athletics and wish to be recognised, business sponsorship packages are available.

* Support our family fund raising events. Become a Parent Age Group Coordinator - As an experienced Little Athletics parent, you can assist new member's parents understand what goes on at City North Little Athletics. You can encourage parent involvement and be a point of contact for parents of children in their respective age group.

Be involved in the Future Direction of City North Little Athletics- Be part of the progressive Management Committee. Being a member of the management committee for a season can be very rewarding and a lot of fun. Parents who are elected to the management committee have their parent levy waived for the coming season.

The Parent Levy of $60 will be refunded at the end of the season to those parents who have assisted a minimum of 8 times during the season.  A Parent Roster book is located at the Recorder’s desk and must be signed each time you help.  This is the only record that will be accepted for the Levy refund.

Parents, please remember that WE ARE NOT A CHILD MINDING ORGANISATION.  We understand that work and other commitments may prevent you from staying every Saturday, but it is essential that your child has another adult who has agreed to take responsibility for them.  This is not only necessary in case of accident or illness, but the program may finish early for many reasons – rain, small numbers etc.  If this occurs, it is not fair that Club committee members are left minding your child long after the day’s events are over.  It is also distressing for the child to be left after everyone else has gone. 

Click here to download the Parent Information Booklet for the 2012/13 Season